Friday, April 27, 2007

D - Feature Debut

Without further adieu, I present my feature debut as China's newest and undoubtedly hottest voiceover artist. Try to restraint your glee at the sexy images of container ships, ore carriers, and hard-hatted shipyard workers.

To fit the constraints of YouTube, the video has been broken into two parts. In total, the video is 11 minutes long.




Anonymous said...

OMG!!! This is greater than I ever could've imagined! The background music just made my day! Enya? And that song that kicks off part 2 - the one they play at the end of every American sports movie, while that final hail mary touchdown pass plays in slow motion... Ah, this just made my day! The Port of Dalian sure knows how to make an American keel over at his desk in laughter!!

Anonymous said...

HAHA nice D!! We miss you guys in Metro. Good to hear a familiar voice once again.
