In a few bored moments, I've picked up the book and read some of the stories. My previous Holmes experiences were not good so I was surprised that I quite enjoyed the repartee between Holmes and his assistant Dr.Watson. So last night I decided to read one of the longer stories, which is called "The Sign of Four". Here are a few quotes from the opening chapter...
"Sherlock Holmes took his bottle from the corner of the mantlepiece, and his hypodermic syringe from its neat morocco case. With his long, white nervous fingers he adjusted the delicate needle and rolled back his left shirtcuff. He thrust the shar point home, pressed, the tiny piston, and sank back into the armchair with a long sigh of satisfaction."
Watson: "Which is it today? Cocaine or morphine?"
Holmes: "It is cocaine, a 7% solution. Would you care to try it?"
and later in the first chapter...
Watson: "Would you think it impertinent if I put your theories to a more severe test?"
Holmes: "On the contrary, it would prevent me from taking another dose of cocaine."
Now I haven't finished the story of course, so maybe Holmes beats his cocaine habit by solving a mystery in a rehab facility, but I was shocked! To the author's credit, Watson does lecture him about the ills of addiction but I did not realize Holmes had such a bad habit. No wonder he can get away with wearing that hat...
OMG!!! i hope some 7 yr old googles Sherlock Holmes & finds this! :) :) :)
I prefer the 8% coke mix myself
Hello? Earth to Bloggers???
I realize that you 2 have moved on to bigger & better things, but those of us still in the corporate world rely on people like you to generate content that gives us a 2-minute break from reality each day.
And now you 2 are slacking. We now have both of you writing on this blog, yet half the overall productivity. What is this... are you now run by a government agency?
So c'mon now... it's 4 AM Dalian Standard Time on a Sat morning (which prob means D just went to bed ;)... but no excuses on this blog... so GET UP out of bed, on this lovely Sat morning... & get blogging!
I don't care what you blog about - give me more Sherlock Holmes cocaine stories - anything... but when you don't blog... I'm forced to sit here & blog to you... & I have NOTHING to blog about - as you can see - b/c I'm sitting here in a cube in Corporate America!!
Happy Blogging :)
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