Monday, August 21, 2006

Day 2

Day 2 was pretty good overall. The day began with a tour of the DMU campus where we met all of the other new foreign teachers. There's several people from the US that are the same age as C and I, including a guy from Indiana and one from Colorado. There's also a retired Aussie, a retired Dane, and an early 30s guy from the UK. It's an interesting group. A few of us decided to get some lunch and the fellow from Colorado walked us to a Muslim noodle restaurant he had tried.

We had a number of additional errands to run including getting some allergy medication for C, getting a copy of our apartment key, picking up some bed foam, and buying a printer. Our student volunteers Sylvia and Molly took us on a long bus ride to a main shopping district in Dalian. We hit an electronics store named Gome, and I got to see the huge Carrefour. Carrefour was my first taste of real Chinese crowds. It was packed to the gills with people. Every aisle was a fight to get through. Despite this, I didn't find the tremendous rudeness and shoving that I've heard existed. It was no more rude than New York City. When there's a lot of people in a small space you are going to bump people, there's just no way of getting around that. And it can be very frustrating but there's not much you can do but accept it.

We took a taxi back to our apartment for 20 kuai ($2.50) because there was no way I was going to try and hold on to a printer in a packed Chinese box. From here our student volunteers took us out to a Chinese dumpling restaurant. It was very good...I even enjoyed the pork dumplings which is a rarity for me. We went to bed at 9pm....our sleep schedules are still totally crazy but at least we are getting some sleep now.

By the way, I am sure people are wondering where the pictures are. We are working on it - without DSL in our apartment yet it's difficult to upload them at the internet cafe. They will get up there eventually.

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